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来源:2exam.com 2013-11-23 23:02:39



 Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1.

  TextFor the __________26 month, mysterious falls of large chunks of ice (冰雹) ________27 rained down on Spain and Italy. Juana Sanchez, a 70-year-old woman in Almeria, southern Spain, was knocked ________ 28 when she was struck on the shoulder by a falling ice chunk ________29 she walked in a street ________30 her home. On January 12, just about 200 miles away in Seville, a man narrowly ________ 31 serious injury when a 9-pound ball of ice ________ 32 into his car. ________33 the evening of January 27 priests at the Salesian monastery in L'Aquila, Italy were startled by a loud crash. _______ 34 the noise, they discovered a large chunk of ice on their yard, _______ 35 intact. Upon examination, the block of ice _______ 36 in at 2 kilograms and no source _______37 . On the same day, about 100 miles northeast in Ancona, Italy, the local officials were called to investigate the report of a man _______38 was struck _______ 39 the head by a 1 kilogram chunk of ice that apparently fell from the sky.

  Spain and Italy aren't the only European _______40 getting attacked by huge ice blocks in January. On January 2 in Surrey, England (southwest of London), an East Indian man was walking through Newton Athletic Park when he _______ 41 a strange whistling sound overhead. Seconds _______ 42, a large hunk of ice fell out of the clear blue sky and pounded into the soft ground, shattering over a 50-foot-wide area. The ice dug a hole of a foot deep and a foot in diameter. Even the shattered remains of the mystery ice were as large as tennis balls and were described as opaque _______43 no unusual color or smell.

  Although eyewitnesses to the phenomenon report that they did not see anything in the sky that could account _______ 44 the ice, scientists had to come up with a rationalization. Professor Jesus Martinez Frias, the geologist investigating the ice falls in Spain, told BBC News that the ice pieces had probably been _______ 45 through sudden temperature drops in the stratosphere. This was the most likely explanation, he said, for the "very unusual" phenomenon.

  26. [ A ] last[ B ] past[ C ] passed[ D ] early27. [A] was[B] were[C] has[D] have28. [ A ] conscious[ B ] consciously[ C ] unconscious[ D ] unconsciously29. [ A ] before[ B ] after[ C ] as[ D ] since30. [ A ] at[ B ] in[ C ] along[ D ] near31. [A] escaped[B] went[C] attacked[D] got32. [ A ] smashed[ B ] broke[ C ] roiled[ D ] fell33. [ A ] In[ B ] At[ C ] During[ D ] On34. [ A ] Investigate[ B ] Investigating[ C ] Investigated[ D ] Investigation35. [ A ] large[ B ] largely[ C ] big[ D ] huge36. [ A ] weighs[ B ] weighed[ C ] has weighed[ D ] had weighed37. [ A ] determined[ B ] has determined[ C ] was determined[ D ] had been determined38. [ A ] which[ B ] who[ C ] whom[ D ] what39. [A] inB] at[C] from[D] on40. [ A ] country[ B ] nation[ C ] countries[ D ] place41. [ A ] saw[ B ] found[ C ] heard[ D ] witnessed42. [ A ] ago[ B ] before[ C ] after[ D ] later43. [ A ] in[ B ] with[ C ] has[ D ] have44. [A] /[B] for[C] with[D] on45. [ A ] formed[ B ] caused[ C ] made[ D ] fallen参考译文在过去的一个月里,西班牙和意大利都不可思议地下起了大块大块的冰雹。胡安娜?桑切斯是西班牙南部阿尔梅里亚市一名70岁的老太太,她在家附近的一条街上走路时,被一个从空中落下的大冰块砸中了肩膀,昏了过去。1月12号那天,就在离塞维里亚市约200英里处,一个9磅重的大冰球砸到了一辆汽车上,车里的男人险些被砸成重伤。l月27号晚,意大利拉魁拉市慈幼会修道院里传出了一声巨响,惊动了院里的牧师们。循着声音的方向找过去;他们发现一个几乎完整无损、巨大的冰块砸在了他们的院子里。检查发现这个大冰块重达2公斤,但还是不清楚它是从哪儿来的。就在同一天,在意大利安科纳市东北约l00英里处,当地官员被要求去调查一个电话报告,该报告称有人被一块显然是从天上掉下来的、重l公斤的冰块砸中了头部。

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